Monday, 18 February 2013

Block is back in place in the engine bay. Next will be to add the valves and lifters, Bell housing and gearbox. This will allow the breaks to be adjusted and the cluch plate. Next job.

Friday, 15 February 2013

The engine (shortblock) arrived back today so can start assembling the oil pump and sump. Next will be the side valves. The valve seats have been replaced with hardened beds. Valve grind done. The valve lifters have been ground convex to ride on the reconditioned cam shaft (each taking 20 minutes to do as the faces are so hard). Timing gears are on and the engines timing set. Have purchased some seats to be fitted later as is the luggage rack. All the bearings have been replaced with sheel bearings and crank shaft ground to suit. Big end oil seal refaced and built up. Oil pump reconditioned with new gears. More to follow off to swap meet now. 

Friday, 1 February 2013

Front end finnished with shock absorbers mounted, rubber buffers and new "U" bolts on the springs. All greased up ready to accept the motor. Separated the exhaust manifold for sandblasting and painting as well as inlet manifold. Some good progress now. Cheers